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What is an integrative Nutritionist?

As an Integrative Nutritionist, I don’t simply focus on a food and diet-based approach to health which often consists of calorie counting, macronutrient tracking, and the traditional food pyramid. While all those elements are important to health and wellness, my approach is much broader, and I utilize a bio-individual perspective  when developing plans for my clients. The integrative approach sees every element of a client's life as an important contributor to their health and wellbeing and attempts to synthesize each element into a comprehensive plan aimed at improving the client's everyday life. Some of these elements include nutrition, spirituality, interpersonal relationships, sleep, exercise, confidence and mental wellbeing. I strongly believe that by integrating these elements (and many more) of daily life is extremely effective in creating client-specific programs that can dramatically change the health and overall wellness of each individual client based on their needs.

What is the Process?

A.We start with a  45-minute consultation. This confidential session, available in-person or by phone, allows you to:

  •  Identify your health goals and what you’ve always imagined for your life. 

  •  Figure out what you truly want to accomplish long-term for yourself and maybe even your family 

  •  Understand how you may be getting in your own way of reaching these goals. 

  • Learn how to have my support to permanently reach your goals 

B. Once we both decide we are the right fit, we schedule two 50-minute appointments each month for six months, which will include a discussion of your progress, recommendations, and a full set of notes.

C. Receive your tailored health plan...which includes recommendations on nutrition and movement, lifestyle adjustments, supplements, and more.

why Would you go to an integrative nutritionist?

The approach of an Integrative Nutritionist is unique in that it pulls from different elements of a client’s daily life, identifying where the client can improve, and then creates a plan that seeks to maximize each element with the purpose of achieving the client’s stated health and wellness goals. This approach can be particularly effective for postpartum women who are trying to regulate their hormones, attempting to get rid of the baby weight and gain confidence in their new body, or for teenage girls who are struggling with knowing which foods to eat to achieve to healthy weight, clear skin, and a positive body image. In order to achieve the stated goals for the above scenarios, there are multiple elements of daily life that must be  maximized. For example, proper nutrition, exercise and adequate sleep. My training as an integrative nutritionist gives me the ability to form a comprehensive plan that incorporates all the appropriate factors that will ultimately allow the client to achieve their health and wellness goals. 


About Me


Yael Milobsky

Since I was a teenager, I have been extremely passionate about health and wellbeing. My interest in health and wellness initially arose out of a desire to improve my mood, mental clarity, and skin, and eventually blossomed into a passion for living an active and healthy life. I graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a degree in Marketing, and wanted to deepen and expand my knowledge on the many ways in which individuals can improve their daily lives through health and wellness. This was the impetus for me to enroll in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I completed a comprehensive program that examined the myriad of ways every individual can work towards improving their physical and mental wellbeing. Having been both a teenage girl, and a postpartum mother trying to balance my hormones and shed the excess baby weight, I realized that I have a unique set of experiences that when combined with my knowledge and passion for health and wellness can be used to help other woman achieve their wellness goals, and live their happiest and healthiest life. Source Yourself is devoted to the idea that each and every one of us has things in our life that source us, that make us feel our best, and give us the physical and mental energy to conquer every day. I believe that by combining my experiences, knowledge, and passion, I can help women and girls achieve their goals and live the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Contact me to find out more about nutrition programs