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Integrative Nutrition by Yael Milobsky

How To Relieve Varicose Veins

How To Relieve Varicose Veins

What’s black, and blue, and bruised all over? You guessed it, varicose veins. Whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, or suffering from annoying hereditary ailments, varicose veins are no fun.

But don’t fret! There is something you can do to help ease those throbbing legs.

Over the years (and yes some of them were spent pregnant; so, this is tried and true ladies!) I developed a series of postures that promotes circulation, relieves back tension, and eases sore, tired legs. I call these postures “Toe Series”, as the series begins with the toes and works itsway up.

Set aside about 20 minutes of your day (or more if you’re feeling ambitious or want a greater release) to practice Toe Series. Find a nice quiet place, turn on some music, and stretch your way into a more relaxed you.

 Toe Series:

Pose 1; Toe Stretch

Goal: To ease foot cramps and aches by enhancing circulation to the feet 

How To: From a kneeling position tuck your toes underneath you and sit back on your heels. Stay in the position for 5 minutes while breathing deeply. Modify by bringing your forearms to the floor or on blocks rather than sitting straight. When complete come forward to kneeling and back toes on the floor to return circulation. 

Pose 2 ; Ankle Stretch

Goal: To enhance ankle and toe mobility by restricting and relabeling the ankle 

How To: From a kneeling position with toe sun tucked, lean back until the knees lift of the ground. Place hands by sides for more stability and allow the front of the ankles to stretch. Alternatively, stay kneeling and slide books or yoga blocks under the knees. Stay and breathe for 2 minutes (or 1 minute per side if stretching individually)  

Pose 3; Hero’s Pose

Goal: To open the knees by gently stretching the ligaments 

How To: From a kneeling position, split your legs apart and bring your bottom to the floor in between your feet. Knees should stay together. If brining the bottom to the floor is too intense, sit on a cushion or a yoga block. Stay and breathe for 3-5 minutes 

Pose 4; Foot Massage!

Goal: To maximize overall circulation by massaging the feet

How To: Start by your toes and work your way down to the heel kneeling and pressing however feels good. Make you way to the top of the ankles and foot. Using your hands rotate your foot in small circular motions. Shake out your foot vigorously by taking your shin in your hands and wiggling side to side. Massage for about 1-2 minutes per foot.

Pose 5; Single Leg Seated Forward Fold

Goal: To lengthen the leg muscles to promote extension

How To: Sitting on your bottom extend your right leg straight. Draw the sole of the left foot into the inner right thigh. Take a breath, and on your exhale fold forward towards your knee with a flat back. You can choose to stretch your arms towards your foot or relax them by your sides. Repeat on other side. Stay and breathe for 3 minutes on each side 

Pose 6 : Internal Hip Rotation

Goal: To open the back of the hips and release pressure off the sciatic nerve 

How To: Lie on your back draw both feet into a bridge position. Keeping your upper body still begin to walk both feet off towards the left side of the mat, and then drop both knees down to the right. Take the bottom right ankle over the top left thigh. Both knees will point towards the right, and the bottom left leg will sit at a 90° angle (knee in line with hip, and ankle in line with knee). Breathe and relax into the position for about 3-5 minutes. Repeat on the other side (walk feet to the right drop knees to the left)

 Pose 7 (optional); Legs up the Wall

Goal: To relax the hips by suspending gravitational pressure 

How To: From lying on your backscoot your seat to touch the base of the wall. Swing your legs up so they’re resting against the wall and stacked directly over your hip. For an added release you can slide a block under your hips to elevate your legs. Stay and breathe for 5-10 minutes.

 Happy Stretching! 

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