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Integrative Nutrition by Yael Milobsky

This Is The Most Important Relationship In Your Life.

This Is The Most Important Relationship In Your Life.

When Source CEO Yael Milobsky reached out to ask me if I wanted to write the first inaugural article to launch Source’s webpage, I was overjoyed. What an honor!

The thoughts came rolling in;

I should write about the power of the breath! Wait no, I should speak about the different ways yoga can relieve back pain, or the 5 movements of the spine. Maybe I should discuss the physical and mental principals of flexibility....... The list went on for quite a while!

Finally, I landed on a topic, and it’s one I’ve been working on over the last few weeks.

The idea of relationship.

If you think about it, life is one big relationship. You have relationships to people; spouse, kids, friends, family, neighbors, the UPS driver, and the milkman. You also have relationships to places; your home, your place of work, your gym, your perfect book nook, and your secret place where you go to clear your head.

And then of course you have relationships with things; a family heirloom, the perfect egg frying pan, your favorite pair of pumps (or slippers), your yoga or kickboxing class, ect.

Of course, some of these relationships are more meaningful than others, and today I’d like to talk a little bit about what I consider to be the most Integral and important relationship in your life: Your relationship to yourself.

As women we are natural givers, and as such we are constantly giving to others. Yet somehow amidst all this giving we sometimes forget to give to ourselves. In her famous book The Empowered Wife, Laura Doyle New York Times best-selling author and CEO and founder of Laura Doyle Connect, a multinational relationship coaching company, educates and elucidates on the importance of replenishing one’s spirit with self-care. She explains how practicing self-care “gives you the reserves you need to have [a] good relationship[s]”.

Whether you’re married, dating, or single it’s good advice across the board.

In order to give to others, be productive, and achieve happiness it’s imperative that your relationship with yourself receives a lot of loving input.

She continues to explain that self-care is the act of “focusing [your] time and effort on activities (or non-activities in some cases) that makes you feel good.”

Which means self-care is doing things that you desire to do, not things you need to do or things you know are good for you.

Today, for example, after I came home from work and finished putting my baby to bed, I drew myself a bath. I sprinkled in some Epsom salt and poured a drop of lemon lavender bubble bath in the water. I dimmed the lights and light two delicious smelling candles (lemon verbena and red mango for all my candle enthusiast out there who are wondering 😉). I even poured myself a glass of wine to complete the vibe (I can’t say I particularly enjoyed that part as much as I thought I would, but it definitely felt sophisticated!). I smoothed on a moisturizing face mask, turned on some soft music, closed my eyes, and allowed myself to relax into the warm blissful environment I created for myself.

And you know why I did all of this? It wasn’t because I was at my wits end or was having “one of those days”. It wasbecause I wanted to luxuriate in some self-care.Making time for self-care is kind of like putting cash into a savings account. You may not need the money immediately, but down the road you will. Knowing you have reserves stored away allows you to operate calmly and efficiently. It wouldn’t be prudent or wise to neglect depositing into that account, and the same applies to self-care. Make investing in yourself a priority every day. 

I get it, finding time for yourself can be difficult, but if happiness is a life goal self-care needs to be a priority. So, go ahead and do one thing today that sources you. One act of self-care that makes you feel luxurious, feminine, and loved. Whether it’s enjoying a box of macaroons, taking your favorite fitness class, or curling up to read a great book, make it a priority.

You have my permission to make your self-care an important part of your day, and I empower you to give yourself permission as well.

Happy sourcing!

For more information of how to implement self-care click the link below to view Doyle’s book (which goes into it in greater depth)


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