Integrative Nutrition by Yael Milobsky
Yael Milobsky
Integrative nutritionist
Specializing in nutrition for teens and women
Have you ever experienced a nagging pain in your shoulder blade area that just won’t go away? How about chronic neck tension while sitting at your desk? Do massages feel great but a few hours later the pain returns?
Everyone has a different perspective on what has made them successful. I’m asked this a lot by women just entering into the meaty part of their careers, which I define as the years where you are really focused on career fit, advancement opportunities and earning potential.
Recently I read a quote somewhere from social media that really resonated with me and seemed to go like this, “Those extra 5-10 pounds that you’re always trying to lose and lamenting their existence, that place where your body naturally wants to be-that’s your life.
CranioSacral Therapy is amazing! In case you’ve not heard of it before now, CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a style of bodywork that employs gentle adjustments and manipulations, intending to mobilize the bones of the cranium and spine, releasing restrictions in soft connective tissue throughout the body.
We all know mom life is busy, not much explanation needed there. I constantly speak about how exercise is the one thing in my busy mom life that I know I can depend on to complete the task and feel that sense of accomplishment. So the question is HOW?
What’s black, and blue, and bruised all over? You guessed it, varicose veins. Whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, or suffering from annoying hereditary ailments, varicose veins are no fun.
But don’t fret! There is something you can do to help ease those throbbing legs.
It is so humbling- the process of trying to bring a life into this world. With all the advancements in medicine and the latest technology, we still return to the same conclusion, that we know so little and lack control.
When Source CEO Yael Milobsky reached out to ask me if I wanted to write the first inaugural article to launch Source’s webpage, I was overjoyed. What an honor!
When it comes to sleep, there are many challenges with a baby. Babies not sleeping through the night, taking inconsistent naps, needing a lot of assistance falling asleep and going to bed at a different time every night are just some examples of what might be driving you crazy right now. The good news is that there is one thing that can help even out all the ups and downs: a schedule.